Modelling the bycatch reduction of a shrimp trawl with a combined Nordmøre grid and sieve panel configuration in the north east Atlantic deep-water shrimp (Pandalus borealis) fishery


Munin: Blar i tittel Master's theses in international fisheries

Sorting grid sections that are mandatory in the Norwegian Sea

PDF) Can vertical separation of species in trawls be utilized to

Bycatch reduction in the deep-water shrimp (Pandalus borealis


Munin: Blar i tittel Master's theses in international fisheries

Can vertical separation of species in trawls be utilized to reduce

Modelling the bycatch reduction of a shrimp trawl with a combined

Smaller bar spacings in a Nordmøre grid reduces the bycatch of

PDF) Performance of the Nordmøre Grid in Shrimp Trawling and

Use of semi-pelagic trawling for reducing bycatch in shrimp trawls

Figure 2 from The effect of semi-pelagic trawling on american

Modelling the bycatch reduction of a shrimp trawl with a combined

Can a large-mesh sieve panel replace or supplement the Nordmøre

Catch and release patterns for target and bycatch species in the

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